Exploring music of the Afro-Atlantic
We use the term 'Afro-Atlantic' to describe a culture that transcends ethnic and national boundaries. As opposed to being specifically British, American, Caribbean or African, it is all of these. The music history of this culture is the focus of our project.
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Picture: Louis Armstrong (L) and Eduman Hall (R) laughing on stage in front of a huge crowd in Ghana. - Accra, Ghana. (Original Caption) "Satchmo" jazzes up Africa. Accra, Gold Coast: Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong (left) whoops it up with Edmund Hall and "Trummy" Young for a huge crowd at Accra, African Gold Coast city. The American jazz band spent three days there while en route back to the U.S. after a European tour. Officials had to ask Satchmo to tone down his blood-stirring music lest there be a riot from pure joy. (Photo by UPI/Bettmann/Getty Images)